Local Houses of Prayer

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Blessing for Afghanistan

By Cate Lewis

*If you’d like to join us in blessing Afghanistan, you are welcome to follow along with the words below as you listen to the video at the bottom of this post.

Hello my name is Cate and I’d like to invite you to join me in speaking a blessing over the nation of Afghanistan as we reach out to support them in this time of turmoil they are experiencing.

In the name of Jesus and in His presence, we bless the nation and the people of Afghanistan. We bless you that God would bless you to be the people you are destined and called to be.

We bless you to be a nation and a people of love and mercy, kindness and unity.

To the Church in Afghanistan, we bless you, that you would experience the overwhelming, tangible and comforting presence of the Lord at this time, that you would know and have profound encounters with the Lord and be filled with such assurance that God will never leave you or forsake you.

We bless you with peace that passes all understanding that you would experience the sheltering wings of almighty God as He covers you with His great love and protection at this time.

We bless you with victory, knowing that no weapon formed against you would prosper but instead the overwhelming love of God that he gives you would drive out all fear. And we bless you to have great courage, boldness and wisdom; to walk by faith and not by sight, knowing that the Lord is your great reward, your redeemer and your strength. We bless you in the joy of the Lord, that you have a hope and a future.

We bless you that as you witness to others that rivers of living water would flow from your innermost being and that many would come to know the salvation of the Lord as you speak with boldness and courage of the Kingdom of God to others.

And in Jesus name we bless the nation of Afghanistan that you would rise up and fulfil your destiny and purpose as God intends and where blood has been spilt, we bless the land that mighty healing would take place, that it would be restored to wholeness to be a country of unity, safety and peace.

In Jesus’ name, we bless the surrounding nations and the ministries giving aid to the refugees that come flooding into their countries that you would be supplied with everything that you need to accommodate those in distress and give aid to the hurting; for those seeking refuge that they would be received and cared for.

We bless those seeking refuge to have stability and a place to lay their heads, that they would be revived, and feel the love and experience the salvation of the Lord.

So we bless you Afghanistan with the peace that passes all understanding that our living God gives in His mighty and powerful name. In Jesus’ name we bless you.